Our company specializes in the praparation and packaging of Marinated Olives, as well as other products such as Tapenade, Pistou, Preserved lemons…
Our olives are carefully selected and benefit from unique expertise. Our recipes are developed and prepared while respecting the authenticity of the products and preserving the balance of flavors. We also offer a selection of renowned regional olives such as Lucques and Picholines.
To meet your expectations, our products are packed in various formats: jars, pails, tins, pouches and doypacks.
Sure to satisfy the most discerning palates, the Barnier Jars Line includes a wide variety of herb-infused and marinated olives.
At the image of the Mediterranean Provence, our range of spreads will perfume your “apéritifs” & culinary preparations.
Our preserved lemons, packed in jars, will enhance the flavor of your culinary preparations.